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Ian Dodds was born in East Boldon, near Suderland, North East of England. He completed his first degree in Mathematics at an early age but it was not until a few years later that he found his way into a more artistic world. He then studied film at the Royal College of Art, where he directed a few films and started his career as director of photography
through an eclectic mix of film jobs.
With an impressive filmography of over 40 documentary and drama films and more than 20 years of professional experience as a D.O.P. and camera operator, Ian juxtaposes
his busy agenda working with well known directors and production companies with small independent productions and artistic projects.
Ian’s work can be seen in such award winning films as: “Seachd: The inaccessible Pinnacle”, “The Smallest Game in Town”, “Trouble Sleeping” and “Maps with Gaps”.

  biography filmography  
Robin McAlpine
Ian Dodds
Cristina Ertze
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